Watch the humpback whales between March and May.
Explore the rich marine life and ship wrecks by scuba diving or snorkling.
From July to October our special visitors, the turtles, are here. Take a tour to see them laying their eggs early in the season, or hatching and dashing to the sea later in the season. There are turtles here all year round so sit still on a dune by the water or visit turtle bay and you might just see one.
Look for baby sharks in one of the nursery bays around the island.
See the splendid bird life.
Be amazed by the sand crabs at Santa Monica.
See donkeys, chickens, cows and goats roaming free, everywhere, but for a special experience why not go and visit one of the local farms.
Visit any the Donkey, Cat or Dog Sanctuary to give the animals some love and maybe make a donation if you can.
Boa Vista Cape Verde
Sal Rei, Boa Vista, Cape Verde.